Civil Rights
Civil rights are the cornerstone of America.
We take your rights seriously and will fight for them. A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury.
Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, assembly, the right to vote, freedom from involuntary servitude, and the right to equality in public places.
Discrimination occurs when the civil rights of an individual are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class.
Statutes have been enacted to prevent discrimination based on a person’s race, sex, religion, age, previous condition of servitude, physical limitation, national origin and in some instances sexual preference.
We can help you enforce your important civil liberties in Court based on your statutory, state constitutional, and federal constitutional rights.
The existence of civil rights and liberties are also recognized internationally by numerous agreements and declarations.
Often these rights are included in agreements in which nations pledge themselves to the general protection of Human Rights.
The United States has recently adhered to the most notable international agreement on civil rights: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.